How Big Will a Full-Grown Bengal Cat Be?

At the end of the day, nourishment plays a large part in your moggy friend’s size and growth. But an explanation will be given on what to expect from a full-grown average Bengal cat. So, are you a proud new Bengal kitten owner? You probably have a lot of questions like, when will they become an adult? What their ideal weight is? How would they look and act when they are full grown? When you have a kitten, you keep wondering when it will reach its adult size. These are curious questions people keep asking about their kitten’s growth and the answers are packed in this article.  Search no more because all the answers to the questions you have been curious about are here. 

How big should a Bengal kitten be and at what size should the stop growing? 

-Theoretically, Bengals do not stop growing, though at one and a half years to two years they reach their adulthood. A more accurate answer is that Bengals stop being kittens when they reach a year old. However, they are not yet adult Bengals, and they are still growing. In terms of their current size, it all varies on their age. From the chart any Bengal under 2 to 3 weeks weighs less than 10 ounces. After week 3 the average Bengal kitten will be above 10 to 18 ounces. In the next 2 weeks this may double, making the cat go up to 1-2 pounds on average. At the time, the cat is 3 months old the weight would have doubled again, 2 months after it would have tripled. 

4-month-old Bengal kitten size

A 4-and-a-half-month-old Bengal is about 2 soda cans (10 inches high) in terms of height. By the time it is 5 months, it will be approaching the lower end of its adult weight at 5-10 pounds. So, when does an adult Bengal cat stop growing, and how big does it get? Honestly, it depends. Full size in most cats is reached at 2 years, but some cats continue to grow until age 3. Size can also differ, but normally a full-grown Bengal cat will fall in the range of 6 -15 pounds. This array balances both male and female cats, though size does diverge by gender. Male cats usually weigh anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds, whereas females grow to about 7 to 10 pounds on average. Yet do not be worried if your cat slightly falls outside these limits. There is a variety in the breed, so outliers do happen. Full grown Bengal cat size is convoluted further by the genetic makeup of the kind. When Bengals were bred in the 1980s, 5 distinct domestic cat breeds, and the wild Asian Leopard cat, were used in the process. The breeds included Abyssinians, Bombay, Ocicats, British Shorthairs and Egyptian Maus. The breeds range radically, with some averaging at 10 and the largest averaging at 15 pounds. Size also depends on how distant your Bengal is from the Asian Leopard cat. Distant cats tend to be medium sized on average. In fact, the breed was meant to be a model version of the large breed. This may be why larger Bengal cats are less popular. A side-effect of this process was that genetic makeup tended to affect the cats’ size. So, if you have a small Bengal cat, that may just mean that it has a lot of Abyssinian or Bengal (both average to 10 pounds) in its bloodline, while an exceptionally large cat may have more of the British Shorthair (average of 15 pounds) in its makeup.

Bengal cat size vs other cats.

Bengal cats average size comparison.

The size and weight of the Bengal compared to a 5’10 (180 cm) human. The photo montage shows how big a Bengal cat is, compared to a Maine Coon (large breed), a Munchkin (small breed), an F1 Savannah (hybrid) and a Leopard cat.

How You Can Tell if Your Cat is Too Fat or Thin

Firstly, do not jump to conclusions. A full-grown Bengal cat is muscular and as a result, most tend to look and feel heavier than they are. Just like with dogs, one way to determine whether your cat is in a healthy weight scale is to weigh it. You can determine a cat’s weight simply. First, just weigh yourself to get a base weight then pick up your cat and weigh yourself with the cat. Subtract the first weight from the second, and you will get your cat’s weight. Keep in mind, weight is not an ultimate goal. Adding up to being out of being healthy and weight range, your cat could also be in its weight range, but still be unhealthy. A times just looking at your cat cannot tell you whether or not they are at an unhealthy or healthy weight. Instead, getting a professional advice is better, take your cat to the vet and have him examined.

How Do I Put my Full-Grown Bengal on a Diet?

If your full-grown Bengal cat does turn out to be too fat or thin, a few potential reasons are that It could be overfed or underfed, it is very easy to overfeed a cat. A study directed in 2014 found that over 50% of house cats were overweight. A possible solution to this is to put your Bengal cat on a diet. Do you feed your cat whenever they are hungry? If you do, don’t feel bad. It is our first instinct to feed an animal whenever they start begging. The problem is that, for a full-grown Bengal cat is that their appetite outpaces their metabolism. If this seems to be the case, try feeding your cat only once per day and see if they lose weight. A definite piece of advice is to stay away from automatic feeders, though it may save work for you, it does not do the cat any good. Your cat may also need more exercising, try giving them a toy, or take them out more. A full-grown Bengal will want to play, so this part should not be too hard. In general, Bengals are active that they burn off a lot more calories than other domestic breeds.

Is There an Ideal Diet for a Full-Grown Bengal Cat?

Essentially, yes, there is. Try placing your cat on a raw food diet. A raw food diet is one which imitates a cat’s natural diet as closely as possible. This includes feeding the cat meat only, specifically meat it might hunt in the wild. Do not feed it anything that eats meat, no carnivores, and no omnivores. Also, part of the cat’s diet should consist of bones. If you are not sure of which bones your cat can ingest, give it raw sardines. They are easy to find and your cat can digest them. One thing needed to be emphasized on the raw diet is that it is raw, do not cook anything. Also, do not feed your cat dry food or any fruits or vegetables. Moreover, this form of diet is a lot healthier for your cat than a standard pet food diet. It cleans the cat’s teeth, strengthen its immune system, keeps the cat hydrated, and gives it a healthier and shinier coat of fur. A full-grown Bengal cat, and any cat for that matter, is a natural hunter and should be treated like one.

What if Your Cat is Too Thin?

But what is it that you do if your cat is underweight? 

Underweight can result from a lot of factors, so it is not necessarily your fault. Even if you happen to underfeed your cat, at least you caught up in time, and you can now correct it. Sometimes, it can just   be bad luck. If your cat were unfortunate enough to get sick at an early age, it could have caused them to stop eating or eat little thus stunting their growth. Good news is, there are ways to encourage your cat to eat more, such as slightly heating up his food, adding water, or even switching to soft food. Switching to softer foods is an advantage when you have a cat suffering from constipation. Similar to humans, cats tend to develop digestive issues when they get older, hard food stops being a good idea. Black spots on cats’ lips are a sign that they are getting old. This is the feline comparable of liver spots. This may look obvious, but take your cat to the vet, to make sure there is not a current medical problem that is causing them to lose weight. Weight loss can be a symptom of a lot of issues, the more serious one is worms.

What About Other Characteristics? What Makes Bengal Cats So Diverse?

The features of a full-grown Bengal cat are some of the most fascinating things about it. One of the reasons why Bengal cats were originally bred had to do with its distinct markings found on certain species of wildcats. The first Bengal cats were bred in the 1970s at Loma Linda University as part of a cancer research program. The research leader, Dr. Centerwell, had to adopt out the experimental kittens after the research had ended. During this process, he met Jean Sugden Mill, who eventually fell in love with the cats and decided to breed more of them. What attracted Mill to the Bengals was the marking on their fur that reminded her of a domestic jungle cat. On that note, the Bengal fur is not one size fits all. Bengals come in several different colours which are Cashmere Bengal, Silver Bengal cat, Snow Bengal kitten, White Bengal Cat, etc. and two different patterns, marbled and spotted. The Bengal cat is unique, and the markings are just one of them. For instance, a Bengal’s head is quite exceptional compared to other cats. The head itself is unreasonably small, as are the ears, the eyes however, are often large, and range in colour from green, to yellow, to blue. Some of the most intriguing and beneficial aspects of Bengal cats is that Bengal cats are hypoallergenic and do not shed. Additionally, a full-grown Bengal cat is one of the smartest pets out there, making it a threefold when it comes to the type of cat you should get.

Your Bengal Friend and You.

Bengal cats are beautiful animals, recognized for their coat, size, and big brains. They are originally bred from a mixture of five breeds of domestic cat and an Asian Leopard cat, the Bengal has quickly become a humans’ favourite, and has adapted well to the role. The maturity of Bengals is at about the same rate as most other cats or dogs. After a year it stops being considered a kitten but does not become a full-grown Bengal cat until usually a 1 and a half or 2 years. Even after two years, they can still keep growing, sometime into their third year. Overall, Bengals can get very big, weighing up to 15 pounds of mostly muscle, but they do not always. This depends on the sex of the animal, and genetic makeup, a full-grown Bengal cat can range between 7 pounds to 15 pounds, and some fall outside that range and still be considered healthy. If your feline is underweight or overweight, do not fear, because there are a lot of ways to solve this. An overweight cat can be put on a diet, they will not like it, but it will sure work. For underweights, you can moisten or heat up their food, or switch to moist food if you have not. Bengal cats also have many remarkable facial features. Pay attention to the small head and ears, the big eyes, and the unique M on their foreheads. It should be noted that the “M” is not just seen on Bengals but on tabbies of all breeds. For more information on Bengal cats, visit our article page. We can also help you find other Bengal cat fanatics or good breeders to adopt from.

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